Tag Archives: craft


13 Jan

A good friend got Jake and I these as a wedding gift! They are my first cookie cutters as a married women and I can’t think of a more appropriate shape! Six months later it was Christmas, the perfect time to deliver gingerbread treats!

I tired to use a gingerbread box mix but it was way to sticky so I used t to make regular gingerbread cookies. Luckily the cookie cutters came with a recipe on the back that worked much better AND we got a big kick on the wording. For example “Moving like the wind, preheat the oven to 375° F”!

Since the Ninjabread Men are so awesome I needed to present them in an equally awesome way! I got some black takeout boxes and the bright red “tissue” paper to create a nice bloody ambiance!

Next we needed to decide if we should”doorbell ditch” these cookies or write a fun note … I was for being sneaky seeing as how they are NINJAbread men! Then I remembered a conversation I had with my coworkers about doorbell ditching treats and they couldn’t believe what they heard. Apparently outside the LDS community eating treats left outside your house by strangers isn’t very wise! After all the Law and Order I watch maybe they have a point … Note it is!

Ok – how much do you love that note!?! We did have an edited version thanks to Jake, he is the best! Thanks James for the gift and I hope everyone out there did in fact have a kick-ass Christmas!


25 May

I get some weird looks from people when I tell them that Jake and I are having an open house before we’re actually married but (insert shoulder shrug) meh. I am actually pretty pumped about it! I grew up on a “farm” in a relativity small town and my parental units are kind of a big deal there so we’re going to PAR-TAY! Sticking with the backyard classy theme is easy and the parental units are putting so much work into making the place look fantastic that it might even be nicer then the reception.

I have been constantly crafting up some cute things and am really excited to transform the place!

My dad made these stands so we can hang lights down our long drive way.  He is the best, he showed me one and it is picture perfect! I bought a lot of lights for that idea and might even have some left over so I made these cone shaped pennants to hang from the extra lights! It’s going to spell out my future last name, which I am so glad doesn’t start with an S … kinda my least favorite letter.

And one that says LOVE of course!  Side note: we have two wedding typefaces and I will use only them for all things wedding, you can see them both in these pennants!

They are so easy to make and the cutest! Once wed, a blog I frequently visit did a way better job explaining how to make them HERE. Check them out!